Food As Medicine Episode 1 With Dr. Dexter Shurney
Behavior Change ArchitectMarch 29, 2022x
20:5719.18 MB

Food As Medicine Episode 1 With Dr. Dexter Shurney

Welcome to the third series of The Behavior Change Architect Podcast, hosted by Kerry E. Evers, Ph.D. In this series, we will be focusing on something we can all relate to… food. 


So much of our lives revolve around food, whether it's for celebrations, comfort, socializing, or fuel. But can the food we eat be thought of as more than just nutrition? Over the course of the three podcasts in this series, we will be focusing on food as medicine, including discussions on the experience of food and how that affects our wellbeing.

Throughout the series, our guest will be Dr. Dexter. Shurney. Dr. Shurney is the president of the Blue Zones Wellbeing Institute, which is sponsoring this series. He is a frequent speaker often recognized for his thought leadership on health disparities research and innovative healthcare business models, and the immediate past president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.


Today’s episode will focus on Dr. Shurney’s journey from practicing general surgery to becoming a preventive medicine physician, and his aim to empower people to take better care of themselves. Be sure to listen to this first in the series on Food as Medicine. 




  • [03:25] How Dr Shurney got interested in the topic of food, specifically as medicine.
  • [08:00] What factors assist nutrients to be absorbed in the body?
  • [08:50] What is the difference between whole foods and taking supplements for nutrition?
  • [12:20] The foundation of good health is using food as medicine.
  • [18:30] How to save time by buying bulk and repurposing food. 




  • The food we eat has a huge effect on our health and wellbeing.
  • Eating whole foods are a lot more beneficial than only taking vitamins.
  • Other factors, such as who we socialize with when eating food, also make an impact on our health and wellbeing.
  • Along with providing access to healthier foods, it is important to show people to integrate these foods into their diets.




Blue Zone Wellbeing Institute


American College of Lifestyle Medicine Website


Dr. Shurney on LinkedIn




Blue Zones Well-Being Institute President 

Dexter Shurney, MD, MBA, MPH, FACLM, DipABLM

Dr. Shurney leads the work of the Blue Zones Well-Being Institute as a “living lab” to create and codify best practices that can be replicated across regions to improve the health and wellness of communities. He ensures the capitalization of local opportunities and enhances the strength of the Blue Zones portfolio to serve communities of greatest need.

A frequent speaker often recognized for his thought leadership on health disparities research and innovative healthcare business models, Dr. Shurney is immediate past-president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) and continues as one of its representatives to the AMA House of Delegates and Executive Board Committee. He also serves on numerous other boards, including the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), National Association of Managed Care Physicians (NAMCP), and Population Health Alliance (PHA).